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Can DSLR cameras get wet

Can you use your dslr camera in wet or humid environments? It depends on the model and the weather conditions. Generally, it is not good to expose older dslr models to rain or high humidity.

In this article, let’s see the risks of shooting with DSLR in such places and how you can protect it.

Can DSLR Cameras Get Wet?

Are DSLR cameras capable of taking great pics and vids?

But, what about water? This query is commonly asked by photographers shooting in the rain or near water! Let’s explore the pros and cons of using a DSLR camera in wet surroundings.

Waterproof Cameras vs. DSLR Cameras

When thinking of DSLR cameras vs waterproof cameras, there are a few points to take into account. Waterproof cameras are sealed to protect the camera parts from water and dust.

On the other hand, DSLR cameras are not waterproof and may get damaged if they come in contact with water.

Waterproof cameras offer robust protection, but at the cost of reduced image quality compared to DSLRs.

Waterproof cameras have less control over exposure settings or resolution than DSLRs since they are designed more for durability than performance or image quality.

Profession-level DSLR models may offer superior image quality but still have some resistance to water intrusion as long as their compartments are weather-sealed.

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However, these seals don’t make the camera ‘waterproof’. They usually can handle direct contact with light rain or snow for a short time without getting damaged.

But, if exposed to wet conditions for a long time, it can cause a malfunction in a non-waterproof camera.

DSLR Camera Parts and Their Vulnerability to Water Damage

As a photographer, you know the need to keep your camera away from water. Every part is intricate, from lenses and filters to displays and image sensors, and can be easily ruined. Let’s talk about the more sensitive parts and how H2O can damage them.

The lens has small mechanical bits like gears, screws, and optical pieces that can be destroyed if wet. Filters are mostly glass and easily corroded by water. Also, lenses can fog up or become clouded.

The viewfinder has metal contacts and a rubber gasket around its edges. If this gets wet, dirt can get into it, which can cause corrosion.

The LCD display includes electrical components like capacitors, transistors, and circuits that need to stay dry. It also has pixels on its surface which can be damaged if submerged for too long.

Image sensors, small light-sensitive chips in DSLR cameras, can be permanently destroyed if they get too much moisture. Symptoms include blurred or absent images when playing back, and grainy artifacts in photos.

In conclusion, all DSLR cameras have pieces that are vulnerable to liquid damage. It’s essential to be aware of this not only when taking photos, but also when transporting them.

How to Protect Your DSLR Camera from Water Damage

Photographers, harken! Safeguarding your DSLR cam from water damage is essential. Unexpected rain or even an accidental dip in the pool can be hazardous. So, let’s dive into a few methods to protect your camera from water damage!

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Waterproof Cases

Secure your DSLR camera from water damage with a waterproof case. Various sizes and types are available that fit different models. Get a case large enough for all controls and features to be easily accessed.

If you think you’ll get wet, invest in an extra waterproof dry bag for extra protection.

Waterproof Covers

Protect your DSLR camera from water damage by investing in waterproof covers. They are available in different sizes and styles. Read the manufacturer’s instructions for correct use and maintenance.

Place your camera in a waterproof case when shooting near water. Bring a cloth if the cover doesn’t have a lens hood. For extra security, put your gear inside a weather-resistant bag, like tarpaulin or vinyl material with airtight seals. This will help keep moisture away from your equipment.

Be aware of weather changes before and during shooting sessions. Take precautions when necessary!

Waterproof Sprays

Spray your DSLR camera with waterproof protection to keep your gear safe in wet conditions. This spray can be applied to the exterior of your camera for added defense against moisture.

However, it won’t protect your camera from being submerged in water or splashed. It is best for quick shots in misty or damp conditions or near waterfalls or pools. But if you are skydiving, rafting, or seeing marine life up close, a waterproof camera may be the best option.

Before you use a waterproof spray, make sure it won’t affect your warranty rights and it is safe and non-toxic. Also, avoid products that contain silicone as they can reduce flashlight and autofocus performance even though they provide water protection.

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Check with your manufacturer’s guidelines before you apply any product to your lenses or body!


In the end, using a DSLR in a wet or damp environment is not recommended. Water exposure can ruin the delicate technology of the camera and thus, it’s better to choose a waterproof or water-resistant camera for taking pics and videos in wet conditions.

Moreover, one must store their DSLR camera in a way that moisture doesn’t affect it. For example, close the battery compartment and avoid contact with anything cold which can cause condensation. By following these steps, one can ensure that their camera is safe and lasts longer.

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